Fox News Can't Tell Tina Fey and Sarah Palin Apart

Fox News Can't Tell Tina Fey and Sarah Palin Apart

We'll be interested if Fox News acknowledges this error. This morning, as The Atlantic's Jared Keller noticed, an amusing video shows the cable news channel using a Tina Fey picture to illustrate Sarah Palin in their news round up of potential GOP presidential contenders. Not a damning mistake, but a revealing little one.

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The segment doesn't reference Tina Fey nor does it highlight any of the other candidates in less-than-flattering poses. From the looks of it, the person tasked with pulling an image of the candidates for the newsreel wasn't looking too closely at the first image that came up in their photo service. Mediaite has noted that it wouldn't be the first time the network has had some embarrassing onscreen mistakes. After it was caught pulling some misleading file footage that made Palin look like she was drawing massive crowds on her book tour, a memo was issued vowing "zero-tolerance for onscreen errors." In those cases, Fox News was battling back speculation that it had an agenda even when selecting routine images.  Though there's likely no conspiracy by the Fox folks to make Palin (their employee) look bad, it's worth mentioning that Fox News chief Roger Ailes thinks Palin is "an idiot.

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