Joe Miller gets in Twitter trouble

Joe Miller smiles at a Senate debate.
Joe Miller smiles at a Senate debate.

Election Day is still a month off, but Alaska Senate GOP candidate Joe Miller is apparently planning for his move to Washington. Here's a sample of his Twitter entries from earlier in the week:

"Think I'll do some house hunting while I'm in DC"

"Guess I should pick up some office furniture, as well"

"Then there's the matter of a name plaque for the door"

Those exuberant message rolled through Miller's Twitter account Wednesday, but the Miller campaign deleted them shortly afterward. Miller told the Associated Press that the campaign believed the tweets to be inappropriate and said they were written by "a volunteer who will no longer have access to the account."

Of course, the blogosphere, media outlets and Miller's own opponents had already seen them.

Now, Miller's write-in opponent, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, is trying to use the flap against him. Her campaign has released a radio ad about the offending tweets. You can check it out below:

"The name on that door still reads M-U-R-K-O-W-S-K-I," the ad's narrator states. The ad does double-duty for Murkowski, reminding voters how to spell her name on the state's write-in ballots while pointing out Miller's seeming eagerness to declare victory in an election that hasn't happened yet.

Murkowski's campaign website also posted the original offending Miller tweets, which you can see below:

Joe Miller tweets
Joe Miller tweets

(Photo of Miller: AP/Chris Miller)